Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have looked into the and - the problem I had with sparkpeople is it didn't recognize shredded wheat's. will show every type of shredded wheat along with many other foods.
With, you start by going to my pyramid tracker to log in. Then you can add your food or activity. Research the activities, they even have sleeping, reading and computer and many other choices. You want to put as much activities to fill 24hr if you can. It shows the food by measurement, 1 cup, then it allows you to set your servings, 1.5 or 2. Sparkpeople doesn't do that.
The problem I have with mypyramid is after you enter your food intake, it says saves and analyze. The top box says calculate DG comparison, DG means dietary guidlines. Your 2 choices are 1. maintain weight or 2 leads you to gradually loosing and maintaining healthy weight. clicking 2 gives me as warning saying The height and weight you entered in your Personal Profile indicates you need to consult an health care professional about weight-loss strategies prior to starting a weight reduction program. I am 236l.b., 5'6"
I do not know what to do about this development. I will still post my food and activity because I like the reminder of how many servings I have missed so I can do better.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for your comparison of these two free diet plan sites. Very helpful!
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